Free Wi-Fi hotspot connects uMhlanga

A new Wi-Fi hotspot was unveiled in uMhlanga, with the hopes of facilitating growth of local tourism.

UMHLANGA has been thrust into the future with the recent introduction of free Wi-Fi along Chartwell Drive.

The Umhlanga Wi-Fi connection project, which took several months to prepare, has been operational for more than three weeks. The area of coverage includes Chartwell Drive and the Umhlanga Village Centre, between Ocean Way and Lighthouse Road.

While visiting the trendy restaurants and shops in the uMhlanga precinct local and international visitors and tourists are able to access free, unrestricted Wi-Fi 24 hours a day.

According to, Glenn Pheasant, a member of Umhlanga Tourism who funded the venture, the project aims to explore a technological and innovative platform, which would promote awareness of tourist attractions in uMhlanga.

The notion involves encouraging tourist and local residents to upload and share photos and information to social media sites, while visiting the attractions, thereby promoting local tourism. Wireless internet access will also enable local residents and tourists to search for attractions via the internet.

“Umhlanga Tourism has identified that uMhlanga is a fast growing tourist and business destination for both local residents and persons afar,” said Pheasant.

Peter Rose, chairman of Umhlanga Tourism, also added that the project was implemented to facilitate the progress of local tourism. “ Wi-Fi is the way of the future. Soon everywhere will be wireless,” he said.

“We are planning to extend the coverage to the Umhlanga Promenade and surrounding Beaches. The plan is to make the Umhlanga main beach area the next Wi-Fi zone by December,” said Rose.

This follows the introduction of free Wi-Fi along Florida Road, Morningside in June. The project was initiated by the local business owners. To access the free Wi-Fi, simply scan for the Umhlanga Tourism logo. No password is required.


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