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Relief at the pumps for motorists

Petrol set to decrease by 67 cents per litre on Wednesday.

THE prices of petrol, diesel, illuminating paraffin and liquefied petroleum gas will decrease on Wednesday (3 September), providing much-needed relief for motorists.

According to the Department of Energy, both grades of petrol will decrease by 67 cents per litre and diesel will decrease by 25.38 cents per litre. South Africa’s fuel prices are adjusted on a monthly basis, informed by international and local factors.

The department said the fuel price decreases were mainly due to the drop in the price of crude oil which led to a decrease in the prices of petroleum products in the international markets and the stability of the Rand against the US Dollar when compared to the previous period.

The Minister of Energy, Tina Joemat-Pettersson, has approved a retail margin increase of 4.2 cents per litre with effect from 3 September 2014, in order to accommodate the salary increase of 9.0% for fuel pump attendants and cashier

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