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Schools condom policy sparks debate

The distribution of condoms in school faces public opposition.

The controversial issue of condom distribution in South African schools has been brought to the fore as the Department of Basic Education reviews its policies, which could see condoms in schools by next year.

According to reports, the department has come under pressure to take another look at the issue due to the prevalence of teenage pregnancy.

According to the UN Population Fund, over 45 000 thousand female learners fell pregnant in 2009, with teenage pregnancy representing one of the leading causes of early school drop outs after economic reasons.

They also suggest that the number of births to girls under 15 in sub-Saharan Africa is expected to double in the next 17 years.

The proposal has plenty opponents, including many school governing bodies, who worry that making condoms freely available to pupils will encourage them to be sexually active.

The department would call for comment from the public on this issue.

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  1. Identify the schools with the problems and distribute it there. But unfortunately this will not solve the problem. I have strong belief that, as with many other social issues, its how one is brought up.

  2. Excellent idea, boys will get them if they want them any way, parents would never know. So why be against schools dishing them out for free. Stop teenage pregnancy

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