Support Jordan’s Journey

Virginia Preparatory School staff and pupils have been striving to help realise a fellow pupil, who has been diagnosed with bone cancer's, dream come true.

PUPILS, parents and staff at Virginia Preparatory School (VPS) have rallied to support 12-year-old Jordan Smith, who was diagnosed with Chondroblastic Osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, in March last year.

After his diagnoses his doctors have had to remove an aggressive tumor from his left leg. He has also had to endure months of chemotherapy and blood transfusions. Family and friends were devastated when his doctors recently reported that the cancer had grown, despite the aggressive treatment. To save Jordan’s life his parents, Tracy and Andrew, had to make the difficult decision of amputating his leg. A prosthetic leg will cost the family R167 000.

A fundraising drive, called Jordan’s Journey, was initiated to help Jordan receive his prosthetic limb and to fund any further treatment that he might require. The school has already donated R15 000 toward the initiative, and fellow pupils also raised money at the ‘Shapes for Africa’ winter market on Saturday, 28 June.

Despite the setbacks, the brave tween has remained optimistic and has even managed to complete his Grade 5. He hopes to one day play rugby for VPS school, and ultimately aspires to play for the Sharks.

Contact the school on 031 563 6986.

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