Two more traffic circles for Rinaldo Road

The construction of two traffic circles has constinued, two years after a contractor walked off site without completing the construction of traffic circles in a busy Glen Hills road.

IT HAS been almost 20 years of residents fighting for traffic calming in Rinaldo Road and finally the last two traffic circles in the road are being constructed.

Nearly two years after the first traffic circle was constructed at the intersection of Rinaldo Road and Longwoods Drive the final two traffic circles, one at the intersection of Rinaldo and Malacca Roads and the second at Rinaldo Road and Harrison Drive, are being constructed.

Local councillor, Heinz de Boer, said nearly two years ago the construction company that originally won the tender to build the traffic circles walked off site after completing only the first traffic circle.

“Council had to go through the entire tender process again, which probably cost 15 per cent more than it originally did,” De Boer said.

Although the man power to construct both circles is minimal, the current construction company did source local labourers for the construction. Simon Zulu and Bongi Masuku were responsible for sourcing the labour.

“Finally, after residents waited almost 20 years for some form of traffic on the busy road they finally got what they’ve been waiting,” he said.

Contact details for community liaison officers

Zulu and  Masuku’s other role as community liaison officers is to bridge the gap between the municipality, the construction company and the community and to voice any concerns raised by either party. 
They can be contacted on 073 911 8752 regarding any construction work in the area.


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