Aquatic star swims century of laps

Chelsea Prep pupil swam 100 laps in 40 minutes, and raises R23 000 for her friend Keith Slabbert.

TASMIN van Straaten is no stranger to obstacles, in fact she just swims around them. The Chelsea Prep pupil recently swam 100 laps of her school’s pool to raise funds for a worthy cause. For most swimming 100 laps in a pool could be considered a tiring feat, likely to result in aches and pains, but Tasmin’s only malady on the searing hot day, was a sunburned back.

Swimming the century of laps in 40 minutes, Tasmin managed to raise R23 000 for her friend Keith Slabbert. Almost two years ago, Slabbert suffered a seizure in bed which led to him fracturing his C4 cervical disc, which resulted in his paralyses.

His mother Dorothy has been trying to raise R200 000 for Keith to be treated at America’s Project Walk Spinal Cord Injury Recovery Centre. Project Walk provides an improved quality of life for people with disabilities through activity-based recovery, education, research and development.

Tasmin said she found out about Keith’s injury from her mother and decided she wanted to help through the way she knew best. “I’m just really happy that I was able to give something back to Keith. This could be a life changing experience for him,” she said.

Tasmin’s mother, Melody, said she was extremely proud of Tasmin. “When Tasmin stopped at the 100 lap mark, she climbed out the pool and looked back at Keith and her whole face just broke into a smile, that was really emotional. We are all very proud of her. I had to say she got home and just relaxed on her bed for the rest of the afternoon eating all the sweets we bought her,” Melody said.

Slabbert, a former Oakridge College pupil, simply described Tasmin’s efforts as Herculean. “She was awesome. I had received an email earlier in the week from Tasmin asking if she could go beyond the 100 lap mark, and I just said a 100 laps really is amazing and she didn’t need to do anymore.

“I’m just blown away by the support shown today and by Tasmin,” he said. He added he was confident he would be able to reach the Slabbert family’s goal of R200 000 to reach America by his birthday in May.

If you would like to be a part of the fundraising initiatives or would like to make a donation to help Keith get to America, contact his mother Dorothy on 083 233 7274.

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