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VIDEO: Greenwood Park’s Philip voted off Survivor SA

Philip Dickson, dubbed the Sugarman for his sugarcane-hiding antics on Survivor SA, talks to Northglen News about the once in a lifetime experience that ended two weeks ago.

NORTHGLEN News was sad to see its golden boy, Philip Dickson, voted off Survivor South Africa recently. But we caught up with the local fire fighter for an in depth Q&A last week.

Firefighter Philip (32) from Greenwood Park saw his sole survivor hopes go up in smoke in the sixth episode of M-Net’s Survivor South Africa: Champions.

Despite him being Selatan’s main fishing provider, his tribe couldn’t forgive his sugarcane-stashing habits and made him their fourth eliminee.

At tribal council, Philip’s position as the Rugrats’ choice seemed nailed on, but Corne was the wildcard with the immunity idol, despite not having a vote.

When the fire fighter tried to take Moyra down with him for withholding their shared sugarcane secret, he upset Corne because he hadn’t shared his secret source of sustenance with the tribe, sealing his fate.

Five rugrat votes were enough to send him on his way, with his own vote for Moyra the only blip in their exit strategy for him.

Survivor South Africa: Champions is broadcast on M-Net on Sundays at 5.30pm, with a repeat on M-Net Series Zone on Saturdays at 1pm.

Northglen News catches up with Greenwood Park's Philip Dickson after he was voted of Survivor South Africa.
Northglen News catches up with Greenwood Park’s Philip Dickson after he was voted of Survivor South Africa.

1. Where are you from?

Greenwood Park, Durban North.

2. What do you do for a living?

I am a firefighter with eThekwini Fire and Emergency services.

3. Are you married (or do you have a girlfriend)?

Not married, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Lynnal.

4. What made you decide to enter Survivor SA?

Being on Survivor has always been something on my bucket list. Apart from getting a six pack, I also figured that R1-million wouldn’t be bad.

5. How did the auditions go?

The audition process went quite smoothly, I had applied before in 2010 (where I made Top 30) so I knew what to expect.

6. What was the one item you took with you to the island?

I took a silver necklace with me.

7. Who was your biggest ally/allies?

To be honest, I didn’t have any allies. I played a ‘team’ game and wanted to make decisions to strengthen the tribe.

8. Who, in your opinion, do you think is playing the game the best and why?

Graham. He is pulling the strings, but managing to stay in the shadows.

9. Who, in your opinion, was the sneakiest person on the island and why?

I was probably the sneakiest person. It was pretty clear that I was playing the game for #TeamPhil.

10. Who, in your opinion, was the most annoying person on the island and why?

David. He really has no social skills and doesn’t talk sense. I couldn’t deal.

11. What were your thoughts when you were voted off?

I was bummed to be leaving the game but happy to be going home and back to reality. I thought it was a dumb decision to vote me off.

12. How has life been since being voted off the island?

Life has been pretty normal. I made an effort to get back to normal life and focus on my goals again after the game.

13. What was the one thing you looked most forward to when you came home?

A bed and a good meal.

14. If you could go back and change anything, what would you change?

I guess I would play a more social game. Being the provider and fishing everyday kind of kept me isolated from the tribe.

15. Decribe the overall experience in a few sentences.

Incredibly challenging. Breathtaking location. Once in a lifetime experience. Best game ever!

16. If you had to be stuck with one person in Survivor on an island who would it be and why?

Graham. He’s sharp and intelligent. We had some good conversations.

17. Do you think Corne was a good captain?

Yes and no. He is a great captain but he really got a rude awakening because he didn’t understand the game at the beginning.

18. If you were captain, what would you have done differently?

I would probably not get involved too much. Stay on the outside and not choose any favourites.

19. What kept you going?

The experience, the chance of being sole survivor and the possibility of winning. I’m also not a quitter so I was there until the end. I just couldn’t back down.

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