Comedy carnival with the stars

Durban's hottest stand-up comedy acts unite this December.

DURBAN’S hottest stand-up comedy acts unite this December for a side splitting comedy carnival set to end the year in rip roaring fashion.

The Durban Comedy All Stars features Neville Pillay, Dusty Rich, Jem Atkins, Neil Green and Masood Boomgaard in a showcase that see’s the city’s comedy elite reflecting on the year’s thrills and spills in a fashionably funny manner.

The comics tackle everything from politics, sport, celebrities, relationships and everything else in between to ensure a show that has something for everybody.

Durban Comedy All Stars boasts the most diverse comedy lineup around for an unmissable show sure to have you rolling in the aisles with laughter.

The show takes place the Howard College Theatre, UKZN (opposite the Sneddon) on 20/21 December at 8pm. Tickets are R120 and are available from Computicket and Shoprite.

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