Rescue of Roxy letter is uplifting

The letter, 'Roxy rescued and the police were helpful' in Northglen News on 22 November 2013 thanking the wonderful person who rescued Roxy on Marula Way, taking her to Ashburne Vet for her safety until her owner collected her, was fantastic.

EDITOR – The letter, ‘Roxy rescued and the police were helpful’ in Northglen News on 22 November 2013 thanking the wonderful person who rescued Roxy on Marula Way, taking her to Ashburne Vet for her safety until her owner collected her, was fantastic.

Who knows what would have happened to her had she been left on the road?

After all the cruelty our beloved animals suffer at the hands of man, this letter was so uplifting.

Please let’s all make an effort to help an animal in distress, lost or hurt. Report cruelty whenever you come across it, even if it is your friendly neighbour.

You may remain anonymous.

They will be eternally grateful and we will become better people for it.

The worst thing we can do is nothing.


Durban North

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