A green hub of activity

Local residents and Green Hub clean-up Krishna Road in Briardene.

DURBAN Green Corridor’s Green Hub hosted a clean-up in the Briardene area recently.

Chantal Pillay, manager of the Green Hub, said the inititative was well supported thanks to the help from the parks department, DSW and Briardene Youth Centre.

“We chose Briardene because we have a youth programme aligned with the Green Hub. We had more than 100 children participating and they were all excited about the project. This event is about getting people to re-think what they know about the area. It’s also a valuable knowledge tool helping the youngsters appreciate environmental sustainability.

“We’ll hopefully make this a monthly event (the last Friday of every month) as well as picking up on other environmental days from here onwards,” Chantal said.

The Green Hub serves as an eco-tourism information and environmental education centre which is active in promoting local environmental clean-ups, outdoor activities and education programmes for schools and local residents.

For more information contact 031 322 6026.

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