eThekwini tackles water loss

eThekwini Municipality will make use of GPS devices to detect water leakages in an effort to curb water loss.

THE eThekwini Municipality, in its effort to curb water loss, has hired people to detect water leakages where they use a GPS to map the exact location of the leak, which enables the municipality’s maintenance teams to immediately attend to where a leakage has been identified.

will deploy all available resources to reduce the escalating rate of water loss in the city.

The Executive Committee (EXCO), at its meeting on Tuesday 17 September, expressed concern that water loss continues to rise, with the latest figures indicating non-revenue water having risen from 34 per cent to 37 per cent.

EXCO urged city manager, Sibusiso Sithole, to take all possible measures to deal with this challenge, including the use of technology and local communities to detect and fix water leaks.

Chairperson of the Human Settlements and Infrastructure Committee, councillor Nigel Gumede, said the problem was further complicated by illegal connections and the mushrooming of informal settlements.

He said there was a need to educate the people on water saving and to put a stop to illegal connections.

“People need to learn to use water sparingly and they need to be properly trained about how to detect water leakages, because water will soon become an expensive commodity if nothing is done to conserve it,” Gumede said.

Sithole said the administration is exploring all possible remedies and 55 people have already been employed to detect water leakages.

“We have to try and use every available mechanism to save water, and that is why we have hired people to detect water leakages where they use a GPS to map the exact location of the leak and this enables our maintenance teams to immediately attend to where a leakage has been identified,” Sithole added.

He said the municipality was also looking at models from other cities as to how they were dealing with the issue of non-revenue water.

The municipality is currently paying an excess of R163.6-million towards non-revenue water annually and the trend is growing by about two per cent year-on-year.

Despite this challenge, the Water and Sanitation Unit has made some positive progress in this regard, with interventions like the installation of new pressure reducing valves (PRV), removing illegal connections, metering unmetered properties, maintaining existing PRV’s and conducting active leak detections.

Meanwhile, EXCO has issued a stern warning to land invaders who continue to occupy pieces of land illegally in different areas in the city.

Sithole warned that the municipality would continue its effort to demolish illegal structures and was looking at strengthening the Land Invasion Unit.

“People who continue to invade land must not have hope that we will provide them with services. We need to send a strong message that we cannot allow people to do as they please and expect to jump the queue ahead of other people who are waiting for houses and services,” Sithole concluded.

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