Strongman shines in Budapest

Local strongman finishes 10th in Budapest league meeting.

THE difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination. It’s a quote that best sums up local strongman, Marc Van der Haer (right). The 34-year-old recently returned from the Strongman Champions League (SCL) in Budapest, where he had one of his best competitions.

Van der Haer finished 10th and placed equal second in the deadlift competition with Poland’s Krzysztof Radzikowski, a man he considers to be one of the best in the world. The strongman showed all of his Herculean strength deadlifting 350kg’s a total of 17 times in a minute.

“It was a fantastic competition and tying for second place with Krzysztof was the ultimate acknowledgement of how far I’ve come. It’s like tying with Tiger Woods at a golf play-off. Being recognised as an equal is an indescribable feeling,” he said. What made this feat even more remarkable was that it was the second last event of a mammoth day of heavy lifting.

The days line-up started with the Hummer limo pull (3 000kg), the Viking press (170kg), the yoke walk (400kg), the front hold (52kg) and the unnatural stone loading where stones vary in weight from (100kg to 160kg).

Van der Haer said he is currently in the best shape of his life. “I feel I’m getting stronger with every competition. I’ve gained a lot of insight from other competitors. Their advice and acknowledgment motivates me to push myself further,” he said.

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