Crawford College La Lucia Educators


Future Focused Learning



“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn” Alvin Toffler


The education required to engage successfully in the 21st century is very different from what has been required in the past. Students need to be flexible, curious and resilient. As the world enters the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the digital revolution which will fundamentally alter the way we live, work and relate to one another, education needs to adapt and change.


CrawfordSchools™ offers a progressive education where the focus is on preparing students for the future, today. Students are required to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills so that they are able to see problems from different angles and formulate their own solutions. Regardless of the field they choose to enter for their careers, the ability to think and act quickly is an indispensable tool for the future.


The digital age demands collaboration across networks and leading by influence. Not every person is born a natural leader. However, the ability to lead others can definitely help a person to advance and become successful in their chosen career.  In almost every job the ability to work closely and harmoniously with others is highly valued.


CrawfordSchools™ are committed to developing leader through various leadership programs in school experience from pre- school though preparatory up to College level. In the classroom, on the sports field or in the cultural arena there are many different roles that students can fill that allows them to work with others in a more collaborative way.


Survival in the 21st century demands skills of agility and adaptability. Crawford teachers create a dynamic environment within the classroom that help to prepare students for constant change.    Opportunities are created for the development of entrepreneurial skills, and to allow for initiative creativity to be shown. Children need to be involved and interested in shaping their learning experience. They should never be afraid of trying because they are afraid of failure.


We are existing in an era of communication and information. Access to unimaginable amounts of information is available today. The Internet provides an incredible research tool that can be a student’s best friend or worst enemy. They need to learn the difference between factual information and factual-sounding opinions. Knowing how to manipulate information for effective oral or written communication is important.


Children come to us naturally curious about their world and wanting to explore it. Their imaginations are vast and untamed, creating endless amounts of practical and impractical things. As teachers we need to continue to nurture them to develop their curiosity and imagination, as well as teach them how to apply them creatively and purposefully.


We may not know exactly what lies ahead for our students in the future, but CrawfordSchools™  have the advantage of knowing what skills they will need once they get there: to think critically, to work as a team, but most of all to be curious and excited about learning…


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