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6 tips to remember if flash floods hit

ER24 offer their tips on how to stay safe during heavy rains and floods.

FOLLOWING yesterday’s flash floods in Johannesburg, ER24 has offered some tips on how to protect yourself in heavy downpours. According to spokesman for the service, Russel Meiring paramedics responded to several other incidents in and around Johannesburg, after receiving reports of severe flooding.

“A flash flood is a rapid flooding of a low-lying area. You will not always have a warning that these deadly, sudden floods are coming. So, if you live in areas prone to flash floods, plan accordingly in order to protect your family and property,” he said.

Tips for your home:

    Keep emergency numbers and important information handy.
  • Also keep emergency supplies such as water, canned food, a can opener, battery-operated radio, flashlight and protective clothing ready.
Keep a first aid kit.

Should you be outdoors or in your vehicle, do the following:

  • Climb to higher ground and stay there. Avoid walking through floodwaters – even 15 centimeters deep can sweep you off your feet.
  • If flood waters rise around your car but the water is not moving, abandon the car and move to higher ground. Never drive through a flooded road as the road may be washed away.


  • Getting swept away while inside your vehicle can be extremely dangerous. If you are stuck inside your vehicle, roll down the windows and open the doors to allow water into your vehicle. Doing this will equal the pressure on both sides of the door, allowing you to escape your vehicle.

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