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Shoe drive gets a boost

Over 140 shoes were donated to The Robin Hood Foundation’s ‘Choose Your Shoes’ initiative’.

THE Robin Hood Foundation’s ‘Choose Your Shoes’ initiative was recently supported with a generous donation of 144 pairs of shoes. The donation was made by BBF Safety Group.

“New shoes are an unaffordable luxury for the orphaned and vulnerable children from the Amaoti township and it is our aim to bless each of them with a new pair of school shoes as well as a pair of casual shoes,” explains Kim Griffith Jones, Robin Hood Foundation coordinator.

Vanessa Ronald, BBF senior brand manager said. “We feel privileged as a company to be in a position where we are able to positively contribute towards making a difference within our community and are proud to be able to help these children walk a little taller in a new pair of shoes.”

People who are interested in getting involved can contact Kim via e-mail at robinhoodfund@telkomsa.net.


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