
Clarendon is under siege, says neighbourhood watch

The Clarendon Neighbourhood Watch have received reports of over 30 criminal incidents in the last month.

THE Clarendon Neighbourhood Watch has noticed an alarming spike in crime in the community in the last month. Denise Masson, the chairman of the watch, said they have seen a ‘500 per cent increase in crime’ in the area.

“We have gone from having zero reported incidents to over 30 in the last month. At one point it was so bad we had at least one or two incidences a day,” she added.

According to Masson, they have received reports of break-ins where electronic equipment was stolen, theft of motor vehicles, thefts of gate motors, pool pumps and bicycles as well as break-ins at out houses and granny flats.

Masson made an appeal to the community not only join the neighbourhood watch, but also to help keep a watchful eye for any suspicious activity or suspects.

“Only 40 per cent of the people in our area are aware of the watch, and we are hoping that more people will become involved. Our aim is to create a united front to drive the criminals out of our area. Imagine the impact we could have if we all stood together, and everyone did his or her bid to survey the area and keep a watch throughout their daily activities,” she said.

In response to the crime the group has initiated regular community patrols in the area. Masson said they are also in the process of setting up five guard huts with camera surveillance. One of these huts has been put up at the corner of Strathearn and Eastview Roads.

Leon Audh, of the Greenwood Park SAPS said the increase in crime could be attributed to the fact that it is now winter. “We are experiencing longer nights, which gives criminals more opportunity and time to commit crime in the form of house break-ins and theft out of motor vehicles. We appeal to the community to take the necessary precautions to safe guard their properties,” he said.

For information on the watch contact Denise Masson on 083 779 1238.

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