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Thieves target pool pumps

Greenwood Park SAPS has sent out a warning saying they had seen a spike in pool pump thefts.

THERE is a new target for night-time thieves, pool pumps. It’s believed the thieves are targeting the pumps to sell as scrap metal. On Saturday, Sun Cell Watch’s Craig Adendorff, said a property had been targeted on Cyprus Drive in Glen Anil.

“The home owner woke up to find out the pool pump had been stolen the night before. It’s not just water meters getting ripped out the ground now also pool pumps. I gather the thieves want money for so called scrap metal,” he said.

Greenwood Park SAPS also sent out a warning saying they had seen a spike in pool pump thefts.

“We urge the residents who have pools at their homes to take extra precaution of their pool pumps. Recently we have noticed a marked increase in the theft of pool pumps in the area and the thefts are occurring at night. It is advisable to secure the pool pump cover to the ground and not to just have it placed loosely over the pump for protection,” said W/O Leon Audh, spokesman for the station.

“We appeal to you to reinforce the cover with locks or a metal cage so as to make it difficult for perpetrators to steal the pump. We are currently investigating all the avenues as to where the market is for these stolen pool pumps.”

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