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Centenary celebrations at Irish cultural show

Special screening of Irish 1916 film to be held in Westville.

THIS year marks 100 years since the Easter Rising in Ireland, which brought the Emerald Isle its independence. The uprising against the British Empire, which took place in Dublin and other cities and towns in Ireland during Easter week in 1916, marked a turning point in Irish history.

Rebels seized buildings across the capital and declared an Irish Republic. At least 485 people were killed before the rebels laid down their weapons and surrendered and 14 of the 16 rebel leaders were executed by firing squad by the British at Kilmainham Gaol.

While the commemoration was marked in Ireland, South Africa, and in particular, Durban, is now hosting an event to mark the centenary of independence. Northglen News recently caught up with uMhlanga resident, Paddy Harvey, who is part of the Irish South African Association and will be hosting a screening of the ‘1916 The Irish Rebellion’ on 27 April, Freedom Day, at the Westville Country Club from 2.30pm.


The film, which is narrated by Liam Neeson, was directed by professor, Briona NicDhiarnda from Notre Dame University in the USA.

“We are very honoured to have Briona screening her film in Durban. I think it’s important part of Irish history and it’s being held on a day that holds particular significance to South Africans. I’m looking forward to the screening and hoping that the community comes out to support the event which is open to everyone,” he said.

The event takes place on 27 April at the Westville Country Club. Tickets cost R50. For more information contact Mandy on 083 628 2818 or e-mail members.dbn@ireland.co.za.

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