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Gordon is ‘udderly’ incredible

Each month the Northglen News will nominate a community hero. This month’s hero is Durban North's Gordon Reid.

WHETHER it’s raising funds for the Childhood Cancer Foundation of South Africa (CHOC) or rescuing people out of a plane crash or helping people exit a burning hotel, there’s nothing Gordon Reid wouldn’t do to help others in need. Northglen News recently caught up with the Durban North resident to find out where it all started.

“I wasn’t what you would call studious, at school I was a rebel without a cause. I never really thought about helping others, I guess I was a little self centered,” he said.

That all changed for Reid, 11 years ago when he, alongside others, helped a family out of a plane crash. The light aircraft carrying an Austrian family to Durban from a luxury Maputo holiday resort, crashed into a Durban North home near Virginia Airport.

“We were about to sit down for lunch at the time and we all saw the plane lose control and crash. I had this sick feeling in my stomach and a few of us just ran down the road towards the wreckage. We were among the first on scene and a number of us helped the family out of the wreckage.

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“I remember how calm my brother-in-law, Mark Lardant, was throughout the rescue while the rest of us were like headless chickens. It was after the fact that I realised how important a cool head is in a situation when it is all kicking off around you.” he said.

Reid, who is also part of the CHOC Cows, who are unmistakable in their Friesian bovine patterned suits, is also involved with a number of fundraising initiatives for the organisation. Each year the herd of splotchy cows cycle in various races like the Tour Durban, Tsogo Sun Amashova Cycle Race and the 94.7 Cycle Challenge to raise funds for the organisation. He has also completed several Midmar Miles and Midlands Ultra Triathlons to raise funds for the ‘moo’vement.


“I thought it was such an amazing idea to make a difference to children battling this disease. Cycling in the cow kit takes the competitive element out of the races and allows me to have fun and focus my passion on creating cancer awareness. I lost my Mum to cancer and cycling in these suits has a number of parallels with the disease.

“The suits are hot and it’s a struggle and battle to cycle in them and it reminds you in some way of the struggles little children go through in their fight against cancer. These challenges offer the ideal platform to get our message out to the residents of Durban and its surrounds,” he said.

Knowing Gordon Reid

Name five words that best describe you: “I would say I’m positive, loyal, an eternal optimist, energetic and fun loving”

What do you think about when you’re alone in your car? “Work mainly, where to go, what to do, and my family .”

What makes you angry? “Intolerance towards other people, their culture and beliefs.”

Name one thing we don’t know about you: “I was a lieutenant in the South African army during the time of compulsory conscription”.

What is your strongest family memory? “Two holidays come to mind, one visiting my Mum in London and having that family Christmas, which was awesome. And the other is circumnavigating South Africa with the wife and children over the December holidays.


Community Heroes 

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