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New toxic cocktail worries police

Causing not only a greater high, but also accelerated organ damage, the substance has alarmed parents and authorities in the community.

A DANGEROUS new alcoholic mixture is being consumed by the youth within the Greenwood Park policing district, and already three cases have been reported.

That’s according to the spokesman for the station, W/O Leon Audh, who said the cocktail was deadly.

Audh said the ‘insidious cocktail’, comprising a blend of methelated spirits, brown sugar and tea, has caused major panic and fear among parents in the community.

According to Audh, the substance not only alters the mood of those who abuse it, but also accelerates liver and kidney damage.

“The concoction is made with easy-to-find and cheap ingredients and creates a greater ‘high’ than other forms of alcohol. That is why is has become so popular among the youth,” he added. 

“We urge teachers and parents alike to please be on the lookout for a change in the behaviour of their pupils and children and to monitor the usage of these chemicals at home,” he said.

Audh urged victims of substance abuse as well as community members who suspect anyone of experimenting or abusing this concoction to contact Cst Chonco, a member of the station’s victim-friendly facility, on 078 067 3997.

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