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Dilapidated power station poses fire risk, says CPF chairman

Greenwood Park sector 4 chairman, Brain Daish said he has been involved in a three-year battle with the municipality to keep the station regularly maintained.

BRIAN Daish, chairman of the Greenwood Park CPF sector 4, sighed with frustration as he inspected the dilapidated power station on Brownsdrift Road in Umgeni Park on Thursday last week.

According to Daish, he had been involved in a three-year battle with the municipality to keep the station regularly maintained.

The overgrown foliage, he said, not only has the potential to harbor criminals and vagrants, but also posed a fire risk.

“If the weeds were to catch fire the station would be burned down leading to a massive power outage in the area. And the fire could also easily spread to the adjacent houses,” he said.

Daish said he recently secured a small victory when his complaints were finally met with a tangible response from the city. Not only were the weeds trimmed back, but the gates were replaced, proper paving was laid and the graffiti removed from the walls.

Now the weeds have overtaken the paving as well as most of the fence behind the station.

“I have seen municipal workers maintain the inside of the station but nobody is reporting the issues outside of the station,” he said.
Daish confirmed that he had reported the issue to the municipality.



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