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uMhlanga resident stops robbery and kidnapping

An elderly couple who are on holiday from Sweden were left traumatised by their ordeal.

THE brave actions of a local resident helped stop an armed robbery and possible kidnapping of a Swedish couple on Umhlanga Rocks Drive on Tuesday afternoon. The couple were walking towards Gateway when a car, a silver Toyota Yaris, pulled up alongside them. Two men jumped out of the vehicle and began tussling with them.

One of the suspects attempted to grab the husband’s bag and camera, while the other suspect began dragging his wife towards the vehicle. Mahesh Sonlall was driving towards uMhlanga village when he heard an ear-splitting scream.

“I had my wife and child in the car and we were driving towards uMhlanga on the opposite side of the road when I heard the couples pleas for help. I looked over and saw one of the men trying to drag the elderly woman into their car and I suspected it was an attempt at kidnapping.

“I immediately stopped my vehicle, jumped out with my weapon and ran across the busy road. When the suspects spotted me they jumped into their vehicle and sped off. The couple were shaking with fear and the man’s wife had bruises all over her arms. I asked them if they needed medical assistance and they declined. I eventually drove them back to their hotel,” he explained.

The 39-year-old said if he had not stopped to help, the Swedish national would have been kidnapped. He added his conscience and family were factors in his decision to save the couple.

“I just couldn’t ignore their pleas for help. I was determined not to allow this to happen. I had my wife and child with me and I pictured myself in a similar situation. We need to stand up to criminals in this country and be brave. I will always help people in need, no matter what,” he said.

The couple are staying at The Oyster Box and were left traumatised by the incident, and are considering opening a case at the Durban North Police Station.

Sonlall has received a number of messages of congratulations and thanks from various members of the local community and the CPF for his sterling work.

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