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City engages operators in the trucking industry

The municipality’s plan seeks to enhance co-ordination, integration, improved law enforcement and raise road traffic safety awareness

EThekwini Municipality tabled the city’s Strategic Freight Plan during a meeting with members in the road freight sector at the City Health Auditorium on Wednesday, 11 November. The municipality’s plan seeks to enhance co-ordination, integration, improved law enforcement and raise road traffic safety awareness.

Chief traffic engineering technician, Daniel Harillal, said the municipality is excited to form a collaboration with freight operators to promote sustainable movement of goods in a safer way.

As part of promoting road safety, the city appealed to all freight companies to ensure that their trucks comply with certain legal requirements. Truck owners were encouraged to make applications for permits so that their vehicles will be booked for assessments and inspection. If the vehicle meets all the required standards, a permit will be issued.

Vehicle inspections should not be done merely to comply with the legal requirements, but rather with the focus of ensuring the safety of drivers, passengers and other road users.

“We need to make a personal contribution towards saving lives this festive season by pledging to obey all traffic rules and regulations and thereby taking personal responsibility for our safety on our roads,” urged Harillal.

The health and wellness of drivers was also discussed. According to a survey done by the Accident Research Centre of KwaZulu-Natal, about 41 per cent of road crashes are linked to fatigue. Heavy-duty vehicle drivers were encouraged to take a break every two hours when driving. Operators were also advised to use the following tips to avoid road fatalities:

• Before driving off, check your vehicle mirrors, tyre pressure and brake pedals.

• Check the size of the truck’s blind spots.

• Ensure lights are in full working order.

• Ensure reflective tapes are clearly visible.

• Know the weight of the vehicle and do not overload.

The city will continue to hold educational workshops with those in the freight industry.

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