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Lebo’s plan for change at Briardene

Local informal settlement resident hopes to one day build day care centre.

FOR Briardene Informal Settlement resident, Lebo Maieane, she has always believed she can be the change she wants to see in the world. She has lived and grown up in the settlement and has seen first-hand the challenges and hardships facing residents, particularly children.

Now the youngster is getting a chance to spread her wings and travel for the very first time out of the country to learn and help fulfil a lifelong dream.

She has been selected to travel to Hannover, Germany on an exchange programme to work as an assistant English and sports teacher. She is trying to raise funds to help her reach her goal. Lebo, who is part of the NGO, Briardene Youth Centre (BYC) – which uses sport as an agent for social change – hopes to start a Grade R centre at the settlement.

“I recently qualified as a teacher, and this new venture is uncharted territory for me. I’ve struggled to find work, and the Organisation for Strategic Development (OSDA), which helps the BYC, decided this would be a way for me to travel, learn and bring back what I’ve learnt to South Africa.

“My dream has been to start a Grade R daycare centre at the settlement where there is a real need. The poverty that many residents experience means they have no choice but to leave their children home in the informal settlement. I want to change that by helping the children wherever I can,” she said.

There are five million children below the age of five in South Africa, of them only around 20 per cent have access to early childhood development.

“It is a staggering statistic highlighting the gap South Africa faces when it comes to early education and childhood development (ECD), which is the most critical period of growth and development in a child’s life. My parents did everything they could do for me to get me through school and university. I remember looking at other girls who were my age at the settlement and asking why am I so fortunate, and why are their circumstances differed to mine.

“I realised education was something that every child needs. Through school and study I’m now in a position to make a positive change in other people’s lives,” she said.

If you would like to donate to Maieane’s cause, you can visit https://www.fundfind.co.za/ projects/307-german-south-afri can-volunteer-exchange, or deposit money in the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) account.

They have partnered with the BYC to help make this dream a reality.

The bank details:
Account name: WESSA Durban branch
First National Bank
Branch name: Davenport
Branch number: 220-226
Account number: 50870059852
Benficary reference: LEBO + Name

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