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Eric makes SA Trail team

Residents and Domino Foundation get behind local trail runner.

IN the sport of competitive trail running, timing is everything. A minor mistake may spell disaster, a major one, catastrophe. However, in the case of local runner, Eric Ngubane, his mistake motivated and pushed him harder to rectify it. The wily Durban North trail runner recently finished second in the South African Ultra Trail Championship.

Not only did runners battle through lightning, thunder, rain, mud, fatigue and wind to complete the 87km race through the Misty Mountains in Mpumalanga, but the 32-year-old also made an error in the race. Leading by 23 minutes, Ngubane took a wrong turn and ended up going 13km in the wrong direction.

However, he didn’t let his mistake get him down: he ran 13km back to the point of the course where he went wrong and ended the race three minutes behind the overall winner. His Herculean performance means he will be realising his dream of representing South Africa at the World Ultra Trail Champs on 31 May near Lake Annecy, France.

“This is going to be my first trip overseas, and I’m extremely happy to be doing it while representing my country. I will be training in Lesotho before the world champs, just to get my body used to the altitude. I was really happy with my performance, but I wanted to win. The guy behind me had a watch with a GPS, and that’s what separated us on the day,” Ngubane said.

His incredible achievements have also inspired the Domino Foundation, which have partnered with Eric to create a team around him to manage and help him achieve his running dreams.

Mickey Wilkins, Domino Foundation CEO, has personally stepped in to ensure that everything is done to support and assist the local sports hero.

“We organised him a GPS watch to help him plan the route. We have also arranged a smartphone and contract so that he can establish a social media presence, can answer e-mails and we can follow his progress. We have helped him to plan his year, and understand his stresses and needs. As a community, let’s get behind Eric and support his massive potential,” Wilkins said.

The support he has received has been humbling, said the SA runner.

“I am so humbled and grateful. I’ve never been on the international stage, let alone had the opportunity to compete on one. This is an incredible gesture, and I’d like to thank the Durban North community for their help and support. I want to bring the gold medal home for them,” he said.

If you would like to support Eric, contact The Domino Foundation.

Riverside Trail have also organised a run for Ngubane to help raise funds for him.The 8km (R100) and 4km (R50) will take place on Sunday 22 March in Burman Bush (Morningside). Space is limited to a maximum of 250 people. The start gun fires at 6.45am with registration taking place from 5.30am to 6.30am. Enter online at www.roag.co.za (online entries close on 19 March). For more information email durbantrails@gmail.com

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