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Dating blunders trend on Twitter

Have you ever experienced such an awkward or creepy response which prompted you to end the date?

WITH less than a month to go before the world celebrates what should the most romantic day of the year, people have taken to Twitter to mark the start of the annual countdown.

On Wednesday, 14 January the witty Twittersphere started a trend,  , which took the social media site by storm.

It would seem that most Twitter-peeps are pessimistic about Valentine’s Day and dating in general, as they listed both hilarious and downright scary ways to end a first date.

In true Twitter spirit many ‘tweeps’ also used the opportunity to either glorify their favourite celebrities or mock ‘those thee love to loathe’.

Hopefully the insightful and hilarious trend will save many dates from a dismal ending this Valentine’s Day.

Have you ever experienced such an awkward or creepy response that you were prompted to end the date?

Tell us about it on our Facebook or Twitter page (@northglennews).


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