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Carla sparks new hope for rhinos

Despite the frightening statistics of rhino poaching Durban North resident, Carla Geyser, is determined to continue doing her bid to save the rhinos.

LAST year South Africans witnessed one of the worst years in terms of rhino poaching. Approximately 1 191 rhinos were killed in 2014 – 92 were killed in KwaZulu-Natal alone – a shocking comparison to the 1 004 killings in 2013 and 333 in 2010.

But Carla Geyser, a Durban North resident who has dedicated much of her time to rhino conservation, has not allowed these frightening statistics to dampen her spirits or efforts.

“A lot of money has been invested in the plight against rhino poaching and so many people have also been involved, so it is frustrating to see that the killings have increased, but we will not give up. I realise that people have been experiencing rhino fatigue and might feel that our efforts are in vain, but if everyone felt like that nothing would ever be achieved,” she said.

Geyser added that a lot of progress has been made in terms of education and reduction of rhino horn demand.

The passionate conservationist has now turned her attention to orphaned rhino calves, and is hoping to raise funds that would help secure their safety and survival.

She is appealing to the community to support a rehabilitation programme at the Fundimvelo Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage by donating R10 to R100.

A crowd-funding campaign, Rhino Orphanage – One in a Million, was launched on the 24 November 2014 for this purpose and aims to raise R40 000.

The funds would be used to build two security towers at the orphanage to survey for poachers and to cover medical costs.
Through Geyser’s One in a Million campaign she has already been able to donate R50 000 towards the project.

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