Editor's note

Homophobia still trending online

 A reader has suggested that it was totally unacceptable for two gay people to parent a child and has gone as far as likening it to murder.

LIKE the week before, a story we ran in the last edition of the Northglen News elicited a nasty response from a reader.

The response did not come directly to the Northglen News but went to the mothers of Soldier, a little boy who had been adopted by a lesbian couple.

The couple, Kim Brown and Leanne Lorrance, forwarded to letter to us and asked that we keep the writer’s name confidential. We agreed.

When they approached us to write the article, they said they wanted to raise awareness on gay adoptions and were encouraging it.

Their message was simple: “ There are thousands of children out there who need a loving home and it makes no difference whether it’s a gay or heterosexual couple who can provide that. We have children that need homes, we have parents that want to give homes and yet the adoption process makes it harder for gay couples to adopt.”

But according to the letter writer what the mothers were doing to little Soldier by adopting him as ‘gay parents’ was tantamount to murder.

He wrote: “you are practically murdering that child”. He went on to say: “Get your head out of your ass you disgusting human being.”

Again, as in the Gayle Graham saga, I was shocked at the bigotry of the comments and wondered why some people struggle to see beyond colour, creed, race and in this case sexual orientation. To not of seen that Soldier is in a loving environment is to of missed the point, entirely.

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