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Man stabbed to death in uMhlanga

Man stabbed in the face, stomach and under the arm in brutal fight.

A MAN was brutally murdered (9 September) outside the uMhlanga Post Office last night in what police believe began as an argument over money. The man was stabbed in the face, stomach and under his left arm and is believed to have died from exposure and the wounds he sustained during the fight.

Lt Raymond Deokaran, spokesman for the Durban North SAPS said the altercation began at about 8pm last night.

“We suspect the two men were vagrants who live in the area and the fight broke out over money. One of the vagrants pulled out his knife and stabbed the other three times before leaving him lying in a pool of blood outside the uMhlanga Post Office on Lagoon Drive,” he said.

Deokaran added the body was discovered by the uMhlanga Urban Improvement Precinct’s (UIP) patrol officer in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

He concluded that an arrest was imminent.

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One Comment

  1. What is happening to our beautiful country? Can someone please get this under control!

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