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World’s biggest Airbus jets into Durban

The big brother of airplanes, the A380 Airbus, will touch down on Durban soil yet again.

IT’S so big that British Airways had to extend the roof of the hangars at one of the biggest airports in the world, Heathrow. It’s the giant British Airways’ A380 Airbus and it will be back at King Shaka International Airport this week. The superjumbo has a wingspan of  80 metres and is 20 per cent longer than the 747.

King Shaka International Airport announced today on its Facebook page that the Airbus was due back.

The British Airways A380 was last seen flying in Durban’s skies in July. It will be back at King Shaka International Airport from Thursday, 28 August till Monday, 1 September to train pilots and technical staff .

This will mark its third visit to Durban’s sunny shores: “It confirms that the capabilities of the infrastructure and airport teams to handle the largest passenger aircraft in the world are being well received. While there is no certainty that the airline has plans to commence a schedule at the airport with the A380, this is a good opportunity for all stakeholders to continue working on attracting more airlines to utilise the airport domestically and internationally,” the post said.

Those avid plane enthusiasts who want to see the A380 in action will only be able to see the flight in the air. Airport users and staff will be able to view the aircraft from the virtual viewing area in the food court area at the airport.

If you spot the A380 and manage to take a photo, send it to corrinnel@dbn.caxton.co.za with your name, surname and when and where you took the picture.

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One Comment

  1. Eureka! I saw the airbus reaching the King Shaka Airport this afternoon! As we were passing what used to be Trade Centre, in Phoenix/ Mt Edgecombe, at 14:38 this afternoon,I saw it fly over us. My husband commented that that was a rather huge aeroplane. That’s when I remembered reading in my bbm update from Northglen News, that the A380 Airbus was due to land at our airport today. I feel so honoured! Wish I could go on board!

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