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It’s a bird, it’s a plane…No it’s an A380

If you have been wondering what the huge airplane was that was spotted in and around Durban North recently, look no further.

DURBAN North residents may have spotted a massive airplane circling the Durban skies in recent weeks and thought that the King Shaka International Airport has expanded its fleet. 

According to the Airports’ Company of South Africa’s King Shaka public relations officer, Collin Naidoo, a massive British Airways A380 was in town for a week only, with its last flight on Tuesday, 1 July.  The four-engine jet is an Airbus A380 and is the world’s only complete double-decker airplane. It’s also the world’s largest passenger aircraft.

“The A380 was back in Durban and King Shaka International Airport again recently to conduct training for their pilots. They find our airport and region very conducive for their training purposes,” Naidoo added. 

With the aircraft also conducting its daily flight from Or Tambo to London, the stay in Durban required a very strict schedule of landing at King Shaka International, changing crew, not parking the aircraft, taking off again with a few more landings and take offs and then off to Or Tambo to do the scheduled flight to London.

“We are very proud that they have chosen our airport to conduct the training as it helps to showcase our airports capability to accommodate the A380 in terms of our facilities and infrastructure and assists our airport teams to understand more about the aircraft and its requirements at an airport,” Naidoo said. 

Did you take any photos of the massive airplane? Send them to rianettej@dbn.caxton.co.za

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