Ask DougOpinion

Week 14: Ask Doug

Local neurofeedback practitioner and psychological counsellor, Doug Berry, talks grades this week.

THE Northglen News wants you to pick our local neurofeedback practitioner’s brain.

We are, in conjunction with Doug Berry, running a new column in which the Durban North resident and professional counsellor, will answer all your questions related to training your brain.

If you are having difficulty studying, sleeping, or focusing at school or university or even emotional issues that you are struggling to overcome, then simply Ask Doug.

Email your question to with Ask Doug in the subject line.

We would love to know who you are, but if you want to remain anonymous, that’s okay, just mention that in your email. Every week these questions will be printed in the paper and Doug will reply on the Northglen News website at

Hi Doug. My daughter is nine years old and in Grade 4. She has started formal tests this term and when I received her tests back, she had not done very well. What I am seeing is that she is either not understanding the question or not reading them properly. I have asked her if she is rushing and she said no. She doesn’t seem to be fazed by this at all. I need advice, is this normal or do I need to seek outside help? I would also like some learning stratergies to teach her going forward. Your assistance will be appreciated. Best regards, Natalie.

Many thanks for your query.

The long answer to your question is that no two children learn exactly the same. Often their rate of information processing changes, their priorities are different and they have different challenges to face. I would be curious to know what sort of grades she did receive and what her background is, academically and socially.

Often, at this stage, they are entered into a new schooling environment, with unfamiliar surroundings and people, which can be quite something to adapt to. The work is quite different and the social and sporting expectations of the school may become a factor here too. Your daughter may also need a formal assessment to see whether or not she faces more serious educational problems. It may sound drastic, but it is always better to be able to rule out what may be causing this, so as to be better able to deal with the root of the problem.

I would suggest approaching an educational psychologist about the matter and seeing whether they can help to identify the problem, with a full personal and medical history. That way, you can tackle the problem and get a handle on it as soon as possible, instituting the right kind of strategies to help her realise her potential.

If needs be, please don’t hesitate to contact me again, so that I can help to point you in the right direction.

Thank you for being such a caring and loving parent to your child.



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