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Hijackers open fire on police in chase

No injuries as criminals and members of the Durban North crime prevention unit exchange fire on the freeway.

DURBAN North SAPS are still searching for a hijacking suspect following a high speed chase and shootout on the N2 last week. Lt Pam Nair, from the Crime Prevention Unit said the suspects fired several shots at her, four of which hit the windscreen of her pursuing patrol vehicle.

“Initially we recieved information about a suspicious vehicle parked outside the Standard Bank ATM at Gateway. We thought it may be linked to ATM fraud but as we approached the vehicle the driver sped off in the direction of the N2 (southbound).

“The suspects made every attempt to getaway which confirmed my suspicions that this was a stolen vehicle. A high speed chase ensued through the N2 and then onto the M25.

“There was an exchange of gunfire and the suspects fired several shots at the vehicle.

The chase finally ended outside the KwaMashu Men’s Hostel where the suspects abandoned the black Toyota Atios,” Nair said.

Lt Raymond Deokaran, spokesman for the Durban North station, confirmed the vehicle was hijacked in Greenwood Park. No arrests have yet been made.

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