
Elephants are also endangered

EDITOR - Two animals that are on the verge of extinction: rhino and elephant. Rhinos to date latest figures indicate 825 killed for their horns by poachers in 2013 as compared to 2009 where there were 122 killed.

Elephant poaching for their tusks is on the rise, one every 15 minutes killed in Africa. Extinction in 10 years is imminent. We have to stop the demand for Ivory in China where the carving factories are situated.

The latest haul of ivory found represents 1 500 elephants killed for ivory and trinkets. Please see latest report from Mail Online, 7 November issue.

“Customs officials have smashed a global smuggling ring after they discovered 12 tons of smuggled ivory worth £62 million in China. The 3188 pieces of elephant tusks have an estimated value of 603 million Yuan on the black market.

“Ivory is seen as a symbol of wealth and status in China and has become increasingly popular in recent years. According to a recent survey 70 percent of Chinese people did not know elephants are killed for ivory products!” By Tara Brady.

We have to protect our wildlife and convince the world, especially China, not to trade in ivory otherwise our precious elephants will join the rhinos, minus two of the Big Five for Africa!

Mariana Fernandes


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