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Green Corridors urges citizens to be mindful of water resources

Green Corridors works on a number of project areas that educate and empower communities that lack resources and helps them to restore natural areas for the benefit of both humans and the environment.

‘WATER for Peace’ was the theme for World Water Day which coincided with South Africa’s National Water Week last week (March 20–26).

Also read: Durban NPO encourages citizens to adopt water-conscious practices

Green Corridors, the Durban NPO that collaborates to connect people to the planet, urges citizens to be mindful of the role they play in being custodians of our water resources.

Green Corridors is motivated by numerous Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG 6, which aims for clean water and sanitation for all by 2030.

The organisation’s Green Spaces team recycles waste caught by its innovative litterbooms on many of the City’s riverways, stopping the waste from reaching the sea. Working with surrounding communities, Green Corridors clears spaces that have been used as dump sites and restores them back to their natural states as well as helping to develop market gardens in urban areas.

Green Corridors’ work also includes developing natural sites for ecotourism with a goal to support economic development.

“We need citizens to be increasingly mindful of practices that can impact on water quality and how this affects fellow citizens and natural resources, too,” said Musa Shange from Green Corridors.

“We see the ongoing devastation of our rivers and streams and the natural spaces around them by alien invasive plants and irresponsible waste disposal that contaminates water and harms surrounding communities and ecosystems,” he added.

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The recent dumping along Riverside Road near the Green Corridors material-recycling facility site at Connaught Bridge is a case in point.

“So much of the waste illegally dumped will end up in the uMngeni River alongside it and ultimately onto the beaches and in the ocean,” said Shange.

Green Corridors stresses the importance of collective action to address water-related challenges, which are intrinsically linked to effective waste disposal. For more information about Green Corridors, go to https://durbangreencorridor.co.za/

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Candyce Krishna

I am Candyce Pillay – fun, energetic and always positive. Community journalism has been a part of my life for 18 years – something I always say with pride when I am asked. As a journalist, I am forever the favourer of the underdog. When I am not penning the latest human interest piece, crime or municipal bit, and occasionally a sports update, you can find me in the place I love most – at home with my beautiful family – cooking up a storm, soaking up the sun with a gin and tonic in hand or binge-watching a good series or documentary.

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