Northlands Pre-Primary

Northlands Pre-Primary School offers an excellent academic programme

Northlands Pre-Primary is situated on the same leafy grounds as Northlands Primary School and enjoys the benefits of the world class facilities offered at Northlands. We embrace whole-based learning where each facet of learning is reached. This is achieved by focusing on the child’s emotional, physical, and cognitive development.


Northlands Pre-Primary offers an excellent academic programme. During the children’s school day, they are exposed to music, drama, computers, coding and robotics, media lessons, art, baking, swimming, balls skills and occupational therapy lessons which are all conducted by specialist teachers. The benefits of building strong gross motor skills lead to better core muscles, which are required for a child to be able to sit effectively at a table-top, improved focus and stronger fine motor skills required for schoolwork.


Our close proximity to the junior primary’s specialist teachers and the use of the primary school’s facilities, not only allows for a firm educational foundation, but also an easy transition into the formal schooling environment.

We have the luxury of having access to private speech therapists and private occupational therapists on our premises at school, which allows for minor and major difficulties to be assessed and resolved early on, with continued intervention available as needed as they progress through the different grades.


The pre-primary school has its own aftercare facility which operates within the school grounds, effectively allowing for a very safe environment for your child to receive their formative education with minimal impact on your workday.


Investing in a high-quality pre-primary education from an early age is an essential step in laying a strong, vital foundation for children to thrive in school and life. We look forward to growing with your family on your child’s educational journey.


Details: Head of Northlands Pre-Primary – Mrs Lauren Clift. Admissions: – Website: – Facebook – Northlands Pre-Primary School -Telephone: 031 564 2369

The play grounds at Northlands Pre-Primary School.
A classroom scene at Northlands Pre-Primary School.
A classroom scene at Northlands Pre-Primary School.
Northlands Pre-Primary School.
Northlands Pre-Primary School.
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