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Support Durban North NPO and be part of the domino effect

Brokensha encouraged learners and families to claim their own double portion of blessing by investing in the work of the foundation to make a meaningful difference ahead of the festive season and into 2024.

“BOTH hats fit, and they complement each other,” said Karen Brokensha of her twin roles at The Domino Foundation.

The sunhat shadows her role as marketing ‘chief storyteller’ as she oversees the brand narrative of the NPO’s seven programmes.

While donning the cap as Donor Relations, she ensures all their donors are kept informed as to how their funds are making an impact, and she nurtures those relationships.

“In both cases, I am responsible for the various elements so friends and supporters feel confident and inspired by their parts in what we affectionately refer to as the domino effect,” she added.

Much as Brokensha is tasked with sharing the wonderful stories of partnerships between Domino and the big corporates and businesses, she is intimately aware of the significance of the smaller consistent donations and once-off gifts that reflect the generous hearts of individuals in the community as a whole.

“The parable of the widow giving her two mites speaks of a spirit of radical generosity and faithfulness to invest in what God has asked each one of us to do,” she added.

Brokensha described two easy methods for people to pledge their support of Domino’s Cradle to Career work – from abandoned babies, survivors of human trafficking, learners needing high-protein meals in their school day to pre-adolescent youth being mentored to make good lifestyle decisions, and whole families that have been impacted by the effects of natural and man-made disasters.

Donate via the link on www.domino.org.za or contact Karen on 031 110 0730 or at marketing@domino.org.za.

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