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Gateway shooting: Facebook group created in honour of slain Sasha Lee

Sasha Lee and Kyle are said to had been in a relationship for 12 years before it ended in June 2022.

AS the country is set to observe 16 Days of Activism later this month, the death of Sasha Lee Monique Shah, who became the latest statistic to the scourge of GBV allegedly at the hands of her ex-lover, has been marred with controversy.

Following her untimely death, a Facebook group was created by her mother, Jessica Shah, in her honour.

The group with the name ‘In loving memory of Sasha Lee Monique Shah’, and currently sitting on over 1 500 followers, has had messages of condolences pouring in since its creation on November 3.

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Lynelle Harris Baxter wrote: “I’m so sorry for your loss of your beautiful child. Praying for God’s comfort and strength at this difficult time.”

Jessica Maharaj wrote: “Condolences to you. I know that no amount of words can take away the pain and hurt that you feeling. I pray that God will give you strength one day at a time. Your daughter was a beautiful young woman who did not deserve to be robbed of her life in such a horrific way, may her soul RIP.”

Sasha Lee and Kyle are said to have been in a relationship for 12 years before it ended in June 2022.

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Sasha Lee (25) and her ex-lover, Kyle Inderlall (25), were shot and killed in the underground parking lot at Gateway Theatre of Shopping.

Lieutenant Colonel Nqobile Gwala confirmed that charges of murder and an inquest docket are being investigated by the Durban North SAPS.

“It is alleged that on October 30, at 18:40, the 25-year-old woman was shot and killed by a known suspect while at a parking lot on Palm Boulevard in uMhlanga. The suspect was also found with a gunshot wound. The circumstances surrounding the incident are being investigated,” she said.

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