
Residents urged to register guest houses timeously

Residents will face the full might of the law if they continue to operate guest houses in the City without the relevant licence.

RESIDENTS who wish to convert properties to guest houses or any business establishment are urged to first apply for the appropriate licence. eThekwini Municipality’s Business Licensing Unit Manager Qondi Liqwa warned residents they will face the full might of the law if they continue to operate guest houses in the City without the relevant licence.

Liqwa said the City had already received five tip-offs with regard to non-compliance by property owners since the beginning of the year. As soon as such complaints are received, Liqwa said an inspector is immediately sent to the site to investigate.

“We always encourage residents to report issues of non-compliance so that we can act on them. This year, all five reports that we received were investigated and no evidence of non-compliance was found,” she said.

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Liqwa said in cases where non-compliance is found, inspectors are empowered by legislation to prosecute by issuing summons and the Licensing Authority can amend the conditions of the licence, suspend or revoke a licence based on the findings of the investigation.

“Residents are urged to always follow processes when seeking to convert residential properties into guest houses. The Licensing Department has to consider Town Planning special consent, the Building Department’s approval, the Fire Department’s approval and Environmental Health approvals before a licence for operating a guest house can be issued,” she advised.

Residents who would like to apply for business licences are encouraged to call the following Business Licensing offices or visit

Central Region: 031 311 4595
North Region: 031 322 1803
South Region: 031 311 5870
West Region: 031 311 1609


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