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Five turtles released into the wild

The five turtles were found stranded within two weeks of each other and were being rehabilitated by uShaka Marine World.

FIVE two-year-old Loggerhead turtles who have spent the past 18 months under the care of uShaka Sea World rehabilitation staff, are being released into the warm Indian Ocean on Friday, 26 January. All five of these turtles were found stranded within two weeks of each other on various Western Cape beaches after a particularly cold spell.

They were initially treated and cared for by the Two Oceans Aquarium staff before being flown to uShaka Sea World for ongoing rehabilitation.

On hand to wish them well before being released was South African actress, motivational speaker, storyteller, poet, playwright, director, author and turtle champion, Dr Gcina Mhlophe.

The turtles are to join teams of scientists aboard the international research vessel, (RV) Dr Fridtjof Nansen before being released 100 nautical miles offshore.

Dr Gcina Mhlophe said, “Turtles live long lives. They are patient and full of wisdom which are such precious gifts. If we were wise, we would take care of turtles”.

Malini Pather (uShaka Sea World Aquarist) is delighted that they are returning back to the warm Indian Ocean waters after having recovered from their “cold water ordeal” when they were off course.

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