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Mark World Rhino Day today

Today is also National Elephant Appreciation Day.

TODAY marks World Rhino Day. The animal is listed as one of the most endangered species in the world and today the appeal is made to shift focus and shed light on what can be done to prevent their demise.

It is also National Elephant Appreciation Day. Earlier this year it was reported that South Africa was losing three rhinos a day to ruthless poachers. The theme for World Rhino Day is, ‘Five Rhino Species Forever’ where all five species of rhino: Black, white, greater one-horned, Sumatran and Javan rhinos are highlighted.

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In addition, World Rhino Day is an opportunity to highlight efforts to debunk the myths and diminish the demand for rhino horn. The day was first announced by WWF-South Africa in 2010. The following year, World Rhino Day grew into an international success, encompassing both African and Asian rhino species.

In Durban North, the children from Ocean View Montessori School will be marking World Rhino Day in a big way. The school is part of the Eco-Schools programme, an international programme of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) developed to support environmental learning in the classroom.

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The programme is active in 64 countries around the world and has been implemented in South Africa since 2003 by the Wildlife and Environment Society South Africa ( WESSA).

Co-principal at Ocean View Montessori School, Lucy Cronje said: “In order to mark World Rhino Day on 22 September, and to specifically raise funds for Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage, we organised a number of projects, raising a total of R1410.”


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