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WATCH: Hundreds support Durban #AntiZumaMarch

Hundreds have already gathered for the Durban leg of a nation-wide march calling on Jacob Zuma to step down.

HUNDREDS of residents, including civil societies and the Democratic Alliance have begun gathering along the Durban promenade this morning calling for Jacob Zuma to step down. The march was part of a nationwide anti-Zuma protest and is set to get underway at 10am this morning from the Durban circus site.

The mass protest action is a response to President Zuma’s much criticised Cabinet reshuffle and axing of the then finance minister Pravin Gordhan.

The civic indignation was exacerbated by S&P Global Ratings’ downgrading of the country’s credit rating to junk status.

Some buildings in Durban have also put up posters displaying their unhappiness.

John Steenhuisen, chief whip of the Democratic Alliance is expected to address the crowd, many of whom are carrying signs and placards voicing their unhappiness with the state of the country.



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