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Our top 6 feel-good stories of 2016

We take a look back at five amazing stories that defined our year.

OVER the past year Northglen News has reported on a wide range of issues to give readers valuable insights. Our top five most popular feel-good stories of the year demonstrated the willingness of residents to help wherever they could and how good deeds are rewarded.

Here’s a look at our top 6 feel-good stories of the year.

1. Ring saga comes full circle

We start off with the unlikely story of a gold ring that caused a social media frenzy. The ring was lost along a Durban beach, more than 20 years ago. However after a Facebook appeal, the rightful owners were tracked down and handed back the ring which we captured on video.

Lyn Lukas was reunited with her wedding ring, 20 years after it was lost.
Lyn Lukas was reunited with her wedding ring, 20 years after it was lost.

2. Miracle birth at Durban North dentist’s office

Often, stories like this come by once in a lifetime, but this was one of the highlights of the year, residents doing everything they could to save a mother and her baby. The story of how everyone was connected was the most beautiful thing about this miracle baby. Thanks to the quick thinking of a local resident, a dentist and an obstetrician, they helped successfully deliver a baby at a dental clinic on Blackburn Road after the mother, went into labour in the waiting room. The baby boy, Jayden, who is premature, was hailed as a miracle.

Hasina Mitha, Sarah Table, Dr Anesh Maharaj and Debbie da Canha, all helped deliver a baby who was born in the reception rooms of a dentist on Blackburn Road.
Hasina Mitha, Sarah Table, Dr Anesh Maharaj and Debbie da Canha, all helped deliver a baby who was born in the reception rooms of a dentist on Blackburn Road.

3. Siyathemba’s story inspires North Durban community

The plight of many of the residents in Blackburn Village touched many of our readers’ hearts. But one story in particular, stood out, the story of Siyathemba Hlope. The 11-year-old who has cerebral palsy slept on the floor of his mother’s shack with just two paltry blankets for comfort. The situation was made even more tragic because his mother, Mavis, who is unemployed, was unable to put food on the table everyday. After an appeal for help, the North Durban community rallied in their numbers behind Siyathemba. Hundreds of items of clothing and food were donated to the cause. A Good Samaritan also donated a bed while another donated a wheelchair.

Siyathemba Hlope with his mother Mavis. The 11-year-old loves nothing more than to laugh and smile with his mother and suffers from a severe disability.
Siyathemba Hlope with his mother Mavis. The 11-year-old loves nothing more than to laugh and smile with his mother and suffers from a severe disability.

4. Cameron daring rescue

While the heavy rains in July this year brought untold tragedy for may families, there was a ray of hope amidst the awful headlines. La Lucia resident and lifesaver, Cameron White, saved a woman who was trapped in her car by the flood water. The Clifton College pupil said when he first spotted the drifting car he did not realise that anyone was inside, but when he wade through the water to have a closer look he spotted the terrified mother of three staring back at him. White, who was hailed as a Guardian Angel, not only saved her life but was recognised at the Lifesaving SA Awards.

The young hero, Cameron White (17), rescued Shakila Singh from Monday’s floods.
The young hero, Cameron White (17), rescued Shakila Singh from Monday’s floods.

5.Durban North resident makes history at Olympics

You’ve never met a more humble person than Henri Schoeman, even after winning South Africa’s first ever Olympic medal in the sport of Triathlon. Schoeman finished third at the Rio Olympics behind Great Britain brothers Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee who bagged gold and silver respectively. We have followed his story for some time now and were delighted when he qualified for his first Olympics; even more so when he won bronze.

A proud moment for Durban North and South Africa as Henri Schoeman wins bronze at the Rio Olympics.
A proud moment for Durban North and South Africa as Henri Schoeman wins bronze at the Rio Olympics.

6. Good Samaritan returns lost wallet

The last of our top 5 stories comes courtesy of Sifiso who restored some faith in humanity after he went above and beyond to return a wallet he found at the Sunningdale Medical Centre. When he couldn’t track down the owner, Ian Edwards, he devised a plan by creating a sign that read, ‘If lost your wallet Mr IC Edwards’. With it he stood at the Sunningdale robots on Monday morning in the hopes that Edwards would drive past and spot him, and spot him he did. This capped off our top 5 stories of the year. Here’s to 2017 and more incredible stories to share with you.

Sifsio with the sign he created to return a wallet lost in Sunningdale.
Sifsio with the sign he created to return a wallet lost in Sunningdale.

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