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uMgeni Park crime spike: 26 break-ins in 6 weeks

Neighbourhood watch believes the suspects involved are part of a small group targeting the area.

BRIAN Daish, Greenwood Park CPF sub forum 4 chairman, has expressed concern after a spate of burglaries in the uMgeni Park area. In the last six weeks there have been 26 burglaries alone. At a sub-forum meeting last week, Daish said the area is experiencing a high rate of crime.

“We’ve had 26 cases of house break-ins reported which is alarming and there seem to be very few arrests taking place for this crime. The response times of the Greenwood Park Police to crimes committed have improved dramatically and we commend members for this. However we need more vigilance and reporting of suspicious activities in the area. We’ve identified a number of routes used by the criminals. There has been also an increase in police visibility.

“Briardene Informal Settlement have also had reports of crime and some suspects who have been arrested are from that area. Buttery Road, Agar Place, Mount Argus and Abergeni Crescent are also problem areas at the moment. We believe the suspects involved are part of a small group targeting the area,” he said.

Daish added criminals were also targeting domestic workers.

“There is a frequent trend to attack domestic workers going to and from their workplace in Buttery Road with a weapon. The criminals have been stealing the domestic’s cell phones and handbags.These thieves have also been traced to Briardene. We have a vibrant WhatsApp group and I believe with more vigilance from the community we can warn residents about suspicious activity in the area,” he said.

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