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10 drunk drivers nabbed in uMhlanga

Too many motorists are still risking their own safety as well as that of other road users says Durban North SAPS.

A WEEK after a roadblock which netted one of the highest number of drunk drivers in the Durban North SAPS precinct, a further 10 drivers were arrested for the same offence.  Durban North SAPS and the Road Traffic Inspectorate (RTI) manned the roadblock that took place on the M41 going towards Gateway on Friday night.

This brings the number of drunk drivers arrested in the last four roadblocks to 48. Capt Raymond Deokaran, spokesman for the station, said they are again warning drivers who break the law that there will be no mercy.

“People just don’t learn,” he said.“Too many motorists are still risking their own safety as well as that of other road users by driving their vehicles after they have consumed alcohol. It is truly concerning how common place drunk driving is. We cannot continue to ignore the problem and allow drunk drivers to take to the street.”

“If you’re going to drink, then don’t drive, either take a cab or make some other arrangement to get home. This is part of an ongoing operation in the lead up to the end of the year. There will be roadblocks this year and there will be no excuses for drivers who flout the law,” he said.

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