
Severe punishment for animal abusers

The story of Tequila left many readers ‘heartbroken’.


YOUR article in the Northglen News dated, 24 June about the beautiful, helpless Tequila chained up and starved left us animals lovers heartbrokenWho could ever live in their home knowing that outside, in their garden they have a chained up starving and helpless animal.

What type of people are these? They can certainly not be normal. This cannot excuse them and they must  be dealt with by the law in a very  severe manner.  They need to be made an example of. The article read that the daughter ran to her room crying as Tequila was taken away by rescuers. I can only hope she will learn from this horrific suffering Tequila has endured  – never to treat any animals like this, ever.  This type of treatment to animals is cruel and cannot be tolerated.

Our animals are suffering terribly and it is getting worse. As mankind is supposedly becoming more intelligent and more successful it seems as if our hearts are becoming colder and harder. Animals are being dumped everywhere, being left behind in empty homes as people move away, being given to just anyone just to get rid of them, poisoned, sold at roadsides, stolen and used for dog fighting or to be sold to anyone. The list is endless as this cruelty to them seems to grow with each day.

Thankfully, Tequila through the help of many wonderful people, is now being fostered and is receiving so much love and attention. In spite of her horrendous ordeal she is so loving and gentle.  Please let us, the public, become more involved in helping these rescue organisations as they try so hard to cope. We must also  report animal cruelty at once to the SPCA and follow up. We can save and help with the suffering for our voiceless furkids.

Durban North

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