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GALLERY: Local photographer chased by angry mob

‘It was the scariest moment of my life’ says Briardene resident and photographer.

A BRIARDENE resident and photographer has described how he was chased by an angry mob during the violent protests on Monday morning on North Coast Road. Kyle Woodenberg was chased by a group of around 20 armed men who threw stones and fired shots in his direction. The 33-year-old at one stage tripped in his attempt to get away but managed to hang onto his camera.

“You could feel the energy of the crowd, you didn’t need to see they were violent to know it. This wasn’t a passive protest, they were hellbent on looting and hurting someone. I saw guys setting fire to anything they could get their hands on – pallets and tyres. I was on the train tracks (near Mimosa Road) and protesters had begun stoning one of the trains, which started to backtrack.

“I never knew they could. It was at this point, the protesters spotted me. They began running towards me with pangas and a few shots were fired in my direction. It was one of the scariest experiences of my life. I just remember running over the train tracks, I tripped a few steps into my retreat but I managed to hold onto my camera,” he said.

For more photos from today’s protest-click here

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