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Virginia Prep robbed of computers, cash

More than 30 computers were taken in robbery at the school on the first day of the Easter holidays.

MORE than 30 computers were taken in a daring robbery from a school on Maryland Avenue on Saturday. Thieves entered the premises of Virginia Preparatory School through the roof and even used the school’s wheelie bins to transport the loot to their vehicle. According to Lt Raymond Deokaran, spokesman for the Durban North SAPS, the robbery occurred between break-up on Friday and Saturday morning.

“The thieves used a bolt cutter to cut a gate on the school property and then gained access into the admin buildings of Virginia Preparatory School. They then used bins from the school to load the computer towers in before putting them into an escape vehicle. They also stole a projector and an undisclosed amount of cash from the school safe, which they forced open.

“The next morning, the caretaker of the school saw piles of rubbish lying around and was cleaning it up when he saw a computer tower in the bin. He then called the principal of the school and it was discovered that the school had been robbed. We believe more than 30 computers were taken,” he said.

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