
So what’s your question?

Popular radio deejay, Darren Maul talks about his job, his child and his pet hates.

UMHLANGA resident and popular deejay, Darren Maul, is gearing to make you laugh in The Kings and Queens of Comedy, which takes place at the Durban ICC on 12 February. Here, comedy lovers can look forward to a stellar line-up of some of South Africa’s brightest and funniest stand-up comedians as they take laughter and hilarity to the next level.
Maul will be the MC for the evening. The Northglen News caught up with Maul and asked him a few questions. In response to our ‘So what’s your question?’ section, Maul told us that he was ‘growing discontent with a climate where one cannot call out incompetence without it becoming a race or a class issue’. Booking is through Computicket.

What things don’t you like doing? Name two:
I don’t like waking up and I don’t like going to sleep even more.

Tell us about a time when things didn’t go the way you wanted:
The first time I got to take my daughter and her friends on a play date – the youngest kid fell off the climbing wall and broke his arm in two places. Might have been my fault. It was his first time and I told him to break a leg.

What do you think about when you are alone in your car?
Is East Coast Radio going to play my song or not?

What’s your strongest memory of your childhood?
There was this one time at band camp… no wait! I can remember my younger brother burning down the house.

What do you dislike about South Africa?
I am growing discontent with a climate where one cannot call out incompetence without it becoming a race or a class issue.

What makes you angry?
It used to be stupid people, but more recently it has become stupid people who don’t know they are stupid and who believe their opinion is more important than the opinions of less stupid people.

Besides your job, what are you most passionate about?
My child.

Name one misconception you think people have about you:
Some people think I am wiser than I really am. I am just more au fait with my thesaurus than others.

Some advice to people who want to follow your path; what are three things you should never do in this business?
I do follow the rule of pick a job you love and you will never work a day in your life. But with so few jobs available, just get one that you are kind-of good at, try to have fun and always BEE yourself. In comedy – never let a good gig go to your head or a bad gig go to your heart, keeping in mind you are only ever as good as your last gig.

What do you envision yourself doing when you turn 80?
I would like to be chewing my own food.

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