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It’s not Durban, its ‘Dirtbin’, says residents

Durban North residents are up in arms over the wild parties along the Durban beachfront, saying the abuse of the beach have now continued into the week.

IT has been no more than two weeks since the city announced the newly-gazetted ‘Nuisance By-laws’, which authorities hope will help clamp down on any behaviour that might cause discomfort, annoyance or inconvenience to other members of the public.

However, last weekend the Durban Beachfront (from Addington Beach to Blue Lagoon) was left in a shocking state after revelers partied up a storm – virtually breaking every one of the nuisance by-laws. Public drinking, urination and fornication as well as littering and loud music were just some of the issues reported.

The abuse of the beachfront has caused an uproar on social media, even amongst residents from the Durban North community. The public has slammed Metro Police’s lack of enforcement, saying that the weekend’s behaviour was ‘unacceptable.’

“It used to happen every weekend. Now it is even happening during the week. It is unacceptable. There is just filth everywhere. People don’t feel safe. Where are the authorities who are suppose to enforce the by-laws?” asked Durban North resident, Kerry Haylett.

Tinda Calmeyer agreed, saying that she and her husband, who is a recreational surfer, no longer wanted to bring the children to the beach. “The amount of broken glass and used condoms was horrific. It also smelled absolutely disgusting. The smell of vomit, pee and poo hung thick in the air. It’s unhygienic. How can we bring our kids to such a dangerous environment? We live in the area, we pay the rates, yet we are pushed out and prevented from enjoying the beach,” she said. There were also reports of party-goers throwing bottles at runners and other beach-goers.

Calmeyer, who lives around Riverside Road, added that they could hear the noise from the festivities all the way in Durban North. Fellow Durban North resident, Jade Phillips, said she was also appalled that the party-goers were allowed to camp at the site.

“They hog the parking, so no one else can park near the beach, and the drinking gets so bad that they simply pass out on the paving,” she said.

Leslie Smillie expressed concern for the environment. “When you think about the bigger picture, it seems dismal. This behaviour pollutes our ocean and endangers our sea life,” she said.

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